SHIM QUESTIONNAIRE (Sexual Health Inventory for Men)

Sexual health is an important part of your overall physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a very common medical condition affecting (% of men’s) sexual health. If you are experiencing ED, the SHIM questionnaire is designed to help you identify and explore options.

Depending on your SHIM score:

1. You may opt to see a physician to discuss allopathic treatment option

2. You may consult a physician to confirm your score (self-assessment) in order to seek best treatment options by alternative practitioners

3. You may decide to research and explore treatment options that align with your perspectives on health and lifestyle values

In my situation I initially consulted with a urologist but after consulting with Dr. Sebi, ( a noted …), I decided on exploring herbal remedies. This proved to be a successful approach and without the know side effects of pharmaceutical products.

Each question has several possible responses. Circle the number of the response that best describes your own situation. Select only one response for each question.

ASCLEPUIS Tea and ASCLEPIUS Capsules can be used in a variety of ways either alone or in combination. The tea is very mild and can be taken on a daily basis should you choose. The capsules deliver a more pronounced effect and should be used prior to sexual activity. Or both the tea and capsules can be used in combination. Drinking 4-8 ounces of tea two to three days a week and taking the capsule prior to sexual activity. Find what option(s) work best for you.